
Sunday, May 26, 2013

1 Billion ISK for Best Eve-O Kitteh Name

EDIT - 12:36 Eve Time, 28th - Entries are now closed. Thanks for all the suggestions. Now up to SWMBO.

TL;DR - Suggest suitable Eve-O related name for the new kitteh and you could get up to a billion ISK.

Last week the wife left work as usual. Outside of her office there was a kitten sat by the door. And what a sorry state it was in! There are a lot of stray cats here, and I mean a lot. This kitten was about 6 weeks old. It was filthy and its white coat was a mucky grey from living in the trash dumpsters. It was crawling with fleas, ticks and lice. It had a bad eye infection causing one of its eyes to be 'glued' shut with gunk. It was coughing and sneezing and clearly malnourished  it was very bony and thin. A cute little kitten it was not. However it apparently followed her back to the car meowing pitifully as it went so she "had to" bring it home.

We locked it in the cat box and put it outside in the courtyard after washing its eyes out and giving it some food and water. It was clearly sick and we've already got two cats so wasn't going to put them at risk even if they've had all their jabs and annual booster injections. So it was staying outside until we could get it to the vets. All following pics are pics of the kitteh that requires naming!

We took her to the vets two days later (visiting vet only comes to the town twice a week) and she was washed, de-flea'd, injected, prodded and poked. Generally the vet said it was as healthy as your average stray (they all have cat flu here) and after a few more visits it'll be right as rain. So along with the eye drops, the high-protein veterinarian food, the expensive biscuits, the food additives and the large vets bill it is now sharing the spare room with me for the next month. The 'Computer Room' is now the 'Computer/Sick Kitteh Quarantine Room'. So whilst I am playing Eve I am having to sit back in the chair so the kitteh can curl up on my chest under my chin. I'd post a pic but who really wants to see my hairy man-boobs?

So what does this story have to do with Eve Online? Well we need to name her. So far we haven't as, to be honest, we didn't know if the vet could do anything or would recommend putting it to sleep given the state it was in. Well it looks like it will not only survive, but it is not going anywhere!

So what to call her? This is where you lot come in. The person to suggest the best Eve related name gets 500m ISK. If, and its a big if, I can get that name past the wife, your money doubles to a cool one billion ISK.

So there you go. Name the kitteh and recieve ISK!

Oh and remember to include a toon or alt name in case you win so I know who to throw the cash at!

P.S. I very much doubt the name "Sindel" will be acceptable to the wife even if the kitteh has long legs!

P.P.S. No Bucky, "Legs" will be the same.


  1. Justari: "Cara" Short for Caracal, it is literally a cat in real life and sounds like a cute name your wife might like :)

  2. Justari: "Cara" is literally a cat in real life, short for Caracal, and it sounds cute your wife might like and agree to it :)

  3. Hobgoblin, like your ships drones she will always be tiny compared to you, attacking things you don't want her to attack, and generally not listening.

  4. Shlomo Weintraub: Dronya (like in Drones, ya know :D)

  5. Katangher: why don't you just call her 'Eve' ? Or 'Nulli'?

  6. +1 for rescuing the kitties. Did much the same when i lived in Romania. I became known as the 'British stray keeper', at least thats how the wife translated it!
    Can i suggest 'Scram' as a name. Either that or Etana or Zyphyr.

  7. there was a kitten called..mittens? it almost rhymes;)
    all your isk to marvin rincewind. kthxbye

  8. How about naming her after our favorite spaceship AI, Aura?
    Everyone will recognize it and you might sneak it by the wife!
    --Voodoo Williams (@Voodoo_Ginger)

  9. Name her Empress Sarum or Empress Jamyl.

    Considering that she was brought back from what would surely have been her death, she's obviously going to be treated like a little Empress by her two new handservents!

    See 'Ruze' in-game!

  10. Three suggestions:

    Empress Sarum, or Empress Jamyl.

    This little kitty has come back from the certain demise, and I'm certain she'll be treated like a little empress by her two newest bond servants.

    Plus, during live events like the upcoming Dust player hunt, you could easily use pics of the Empress for fun thumbs.

    Third suggestion? Templar, A Amarrian Fighter Kitten.

    Ruze in-game.

  11. Call her Jamyl because you know she's going to be ruling the house.

    Errant Alaois

  12. How about Iteron? That way you could call her 'Ity' and she wouldn't even have to get used to a new name :)

    Alison De'ath

  13. Particul : It's got to be Odyssey obviously :)

  14. Drake - fun dichotomy
    Hurricane - always great and will probably match the temperment.
    Last but my personal favorite "Mr/Mrs Dog".

  15. Loki. It is a great name, super cute for a cat, and is one of the coolest ships in eve. Kat Alyna

    Merlin would be a pretty cool name for a cat, too. Badger would be funny, and you could call her "battle badger" =p

  16. Kribba. But I love 'The Kittani' as well :D

  17. Concord. I'll drop a name if it gets picked :)

  18. Dread Operative: Valentina

    First woman in space, pioneering the Eve adventure.

  19. Notos after the smart bomb, have you seen the indescriminate damage a bored kitten can manage?


  20. Notes after the smart bomb, have you seen the indescriminate damage a bored kitten can mange?


  21. damsel (like the damsel is distress missions, is cute cat)

  22. You could name her: Alitura or Ali for short

    Sister Alitura is someone you deal with throughout the entire "The Blood-Stained Stars" epic story arc. She is also a member of the Sisters of EVE which is an organization based on saving people. Considering you saved ze kitteh from abandonment I find it apt to name her after a popular agent among the Sisters of EVE. As to popularity I think most people have at least started the Sisters of EVE epic story arc.

    Draiv Solregard

  23. Matari much like the minmatar, started off poor, beaten, with nothing, and grown into an empire of their own. Fast, agile, adaptive. Can't compare the two enough. Plus it's not a bad sounding name.

    Robert Hail

  24. Jamyl

    ~Savior Hawk ingame

  25. Jita/Rens/Dodixie/Amarr

    On a more serious note, how about Otro. i would suggest Tibus, but I hate Heth and wouldn't wish that name on my worst enemy.

    Or name it after a player, Entity (the ship collector) or Chribba (I hope I don't need to explain this one.)

    Or a Dev. Guard, Explorer, Soundwave, Punkturis.

    Darth Skorpius in-game

  26. White Widow
    Lutz Kettenschutz ingame

  27. Pod.

    If its good enough for Tyrion's squire . . .

    Knug Lidi

  28. "Eve"
    short, and more eve related, impossible!

  29. Lol, i'd call her "Dickstar". I'm afraid tho that this name will not get past the misses and therefor will not yield 1B. Hell, i'll settle for 500m :-)

    Marsalox Day

  30. Sansha or F1 lol


  31. Gabriel DarkefyreMay 27, 2013 at 1:16 PM

    Well, you took it back from the brink of Death, so..... Thanatos?

  32. Rodney Crittendon:

    I am thinking you name it for the constellation that Cat is in. "Eustron" which to my ears sounds somewhat English(basing this off of my childhood reading of Narnia) and definitely Eve Related.

  33. In honor of the ways of the mew, the thrasher hull, and a cats inherent behavior of instalocking anything that moves I submit the name Sebo.

  34. ------------No More Thanks------------------

    Many thanks for all the entries. Name choosing has begun!

  35. Check the forums to make sure you haven't missed anyone! :)

  36. Legion - as it came with pestulance and disease :)

    And im below the line so no isk required.

  37. I also like Tzenick's choice "Sebo", sound cool, but I dont think the wife is gonna go for it. I choose "Comet" after the fed navy comet in eve and trying to win the whole 1 Bil. The faction frig is versatile, ether rail and kitey, or blasters and tank/brawly. I have seen many shield and armor fits. This cat has adapted to survive as the Comet has in Eve. I think this cat represents the faction frigate in many ways. Let me know what you think

  38. Name it after Tekitha, call it Cun... Pussy, I mean Pussy. It's a cat afterall. Or "Mini" after minmatar, as it was falling apart when your missus found it. Is there a rl cash alternative? :P
