
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Repost - Fanfest Top Tips

This is just an edited repost of my previous Fanfest tips. If you've never been and want to know what to expect, here are my reports/photos from Fanfest 2013 where I did a lot.

Wednesday - Golden Circle
Thursday - First day and Charity Dinner
Friday - Fanfest and Pub Crawl
Fanfest Saturday
Party on Top of the World + Blue Lagoon

Also 2014 and 2015 galleries for your viewing pleasure.

1. Buy booze as you arrive.
Buying drink in Iceland is a tad difficult as it is only sold in special shops to take away. A mate had particular issues last year. As you arrive there is a massive booze shop in the airport, you cannot miss it. Get yourself a bottle/crate there!

2. Take the Bus
The main international airport is a fair distance from Reykjavik so a taxi is expensive. The FlyBus is a great option and has deals with most hotels in the city. You take the main bus to the bus terminal and then minibuses to the various hotels. The main bus does have WiFi for the 45 minute journey but, like the Harpa, when it's full of Eve Geeks who all have smartphones and tablets it gets a bit strained.

3. Pack the right clothing.
It's Iceland. You'll need everything from Arctic survival gear to beachwear! Well, may be that is a bit of an exaggeration. Last year I saw everything from heavy blizzards to rain to hail to high wind to a lovely calm day with warm sunshine.... and that was all in the same day!

4. Card is King
I always take some ISK in cash, no not the in game currency, the currency in Iceland is ISK (you see what they did there). However, there are few places on earth that are more 'card friendly' than Iceland. Even if you are just buying one drink, you can use your plastic. Same for taxi's even. Makes for interesting (and long!) bank statements after the party! ATM's are plentiful.

5. Prepare for the Prices
Iceland is not cheap. Being an island where most things are imported and the lasting effects of the global economic crash means that Iceland is not a cheap place. It's not hideously expensive, I occasionally visit Dubai and London, they're hideously expensive. Whilst Iceland is not as bad as those, it is not cheap.

6. Try the local Vodka
They make a local vodka in Iceland and it is rather nice. Its called.... erm.... what's it called? I cannot remember. The only time I've heard its name is when I've been, well, drinking vodka! OI Google! What's the name of that nice local Icelandic vodka?

7. Pace Yourself at the Party On Top Of The World
You'll miss out if you get there early, power-drink and then go off looking for munchies.... I know from vast experience! In fact you might wake up next morning, fully clothed with a camera full of pictures you don't remember taking and no memory of the events of the previous night. Thankfully I did make it to the Blue Lagoon! Don't go too early, don't get boozed up beforehand and you'll not miss as much. I was "sensible" in 2015 and really enjoyed it. I mean being THIS close to the man, the legend, CCP Guard as he belts out HTFU...

8. Try Everything Once....
The Golden Circle is worth doing to see the amazing Icelandic scenery. The Charity Dinner wasn't as good in 2013-5 as it was in 2012 (not as much ceremony) but it is worth doing. The Pub Crawl with a Dev is an experience, its much more difficult working out if CCP Fozzie is trolling you about T3 Orca's when you've had a lot to drink! Do the Blue Lagoon. Try the puffin. Go for a hotdog at that famous hotdog stand near the Harpa. Have breakfast at the Laundromat Cafe. Go to the Penis Museum (yes there is one). Go exploring!

9. .....Except the Horrible Rotted Shark Drink.
Its rank!

10. Get to Round Tables Early
If you are going to one of the round-tables and its one you REALLY need to go to, get there early. The popular ones tend to be standing room only very quickly and many find they cannot get in.

11. Enjoy Yourself!
Everyone there is mad about important internet spaceships and I've met some amazing people there. So grab a drink, get talking about spaceships and have a great time!

12. Give it an Extra Day
Sunday might sound the day to go home, but think about it. If your doing it right you had a very good time on Saturday night and into Sunday morning and you don't want to be travelling the same day as that! Book onto the Blue Lagoon trip, have a chilled Sunday and relax. Get the early flight out on the Monday morning! Unfortunately with leave as it is this year (2016) I cannot, so am taking the Sunday afternoon flight and I know I'll regret it!

Bonus 13. Grab a SIM at the Airport
Chris Hugman - "A big tip you missed, Buy a LTE sim from the airport with 5gb of data it worked out about £25, never needed wifi and had a great connection every where even on the golden circle."


  1. A big tip you missed, Buy a LTE sim from the airport with 5gb of data it worked out about £25, never needed wifi and had a great connection every where even on the golden circle.
