
Monday, May 2, 2016

Biggest Problem with Citadels is... You

Yes, dear reader. You are the problem.

You play Eve Online and therefore are likely* to enjoy blowing things up. Or enjoy to, as CCP sang at Fanfest, "wreck their dreams". As the first Citadel's online we see plenty of people looking to take advantage of an apparent 15 minute vulnerability window after the structure anchors and can be attacked, before armour and shields come online. I've not seen this personally but heard several reports of the "structure only" vulnerable timeslot. As I type a draft of this, seven citadels have been destroyed but you can get the up to date information here.

Plenty of talk in-game and on social media about two specific things. The "New Jita" and the big dayy of citadels, The Palatine Keepstar. Thus we come to the big problems with Citadels.... Eve Online Players.

Jita 4-4 V2.
There has been a lot of talk over whether a citadel in Perimeter will become the new central market hub for Eve Online. I don't think so. Whilst CCP have built in incentive in the form of taxes to encourage players to do this, in the end you are entrusting these assets to an Eve Player.

Jita 4-4 holds around 467 TRILLION ISK worth of players 'stuff'. What if that was transferred to a theoretical Jita 4-4 V2 probably based in Perimeter? No problem, lower taxes and everyone likes lower taxes right? Now, what if the owner of Jita 4-4 V2 decides to deny docking rights to everyone because he's mad bro. In an epic rage quit when a carebear collective attacked him personally from raising the taxes from 1% to 1.1% all those trillions of assets are stuck inside a station only Mr Angry can dock at.


Now the only way to get you stuffz back is to war-dec the owning corp and destroy the citadel (to force move the items to an NPC station).

That's providing another one of the blocks doesn't decide to do it first. If PL or Goon's decide to take down you hi-sec citadel they will. There is nothing you are going to be able to do about it.

Update - Following comments below and a Tweet from CCP Fozzie, it appears there is a "space-magic" button you can press if you get locked out of a citadel. All your stuffz will be moved after a five day wait. And you thought 21st century movers were slow!

The Palatine Keepstar
Got a spare 200 trillion? Yeah me neither. This faction citadel will be the biggest and baddest in game but come at the cost equal to 15% of the entire player-owned assets in-game currently. It can be done, but it's going to be a massive task and an even bigger bullseye.

But Drackarn, the Palatine Keepstar is very difficult to destroy. It has a massive buff to its structure. It has uber-mega-l33t hit points.

Yes it does. However let me ask a question. Even if you are not massively bothered about kill mails... wouldn't you like to be on a $3,500,000 equivalent one? Yes, converting the cost of the Palatine Keepstar to real life money gives you the magic figure of three and a half million American dollars as Hilmar said at the Fanfest closing ceremony. We've seen what Eve players can do when they find a common cause. Just look at the Money Badger Collective currently. What if it's just a collection of people wanting to whore on the biggest kill in the history of gaming?

May be someone will be dumb enough to build it. However it has a shorter life expectancy than a noob in a BS, belt-ratting in Tama.

So as we celebrate the first citadels going down in flames on TQ we look to the future and imagine the glory of $3.5m doing up in pixel-smoke!

*In percentage terms you are probably likely to blow things up. I find that the people more active outside the game (ie on social media and reading Eve-O blogs) tend to be more blowing stuff up focused? May be just the circles I move in then?


  1. You can always activate asset safety and move your things after 5 days to a station for free. The citadel does not have to be destroyed for this, so the owner can never trap your things inside one.

  2. ""*In percentage terms you are probably likely to blow things up. I find that the people more active outside the game (ie on social media and reading Eve-O blogs) tend to be more blowing stuff up focused? May be just the circles I move in then?""

    Well, according to data released during Fanfest 2015, the subscribers likely to blow something ("Agressor" and "Professional" archetypes)amount to just 38% of the subscriber base. There is a common misconception among PvPrs that somehow they represent the game, but that's been proven false each time CCP has shared data on how many non-PvPrs actually pay and play.

    The vast majority of the subscribers neither shoots other players nor talks about EVE.

  3. "we look to the future and imagine the glory of $3.5m doing up in pixel-smoke!"

    Lookee here Drackarn, you've found the reason they introduced it.

    It's a marketing stunt!

  4. I'm hearing a lot about Citadels dying. Are any actually successfully surviving their start-up timers and in operation? I guess I'll post to reddit and see if anyone wants to fess up.

  5. I read this and failed to ascertain exactly what "problem" there was here. Working as designed for the most part, while the whole idea that it would wreck the market or put it in the hands of some cartel seems to have not immediately come to pass.
